On the 21st December 2015, a partnership agreement was signed between Expertise France, leader of the Consumer Classroom Consortium and the Ministry of Education and Employment, Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education, Department of Curriculum Management, Home Economics Seminar Centre.

What is the Consumer Classroom?

The Consumer Classroom is a community website for teachers where they can share consumer education resources along with interactive and collaborative tools from across the EU, aiming at collaboration between teachers and students.  Consumer classroom is about helping teachers to educate young people for the life ahead of them.  Students (12-18 year olds) are encouraged to develop life-long practical consumer skills so that they consume in a conscious way and better understand their ultimate role in creating a better society.  The website is EU funded and aims to stimulate consumer education in secondary schools.

How do I become involved?

Visit www.consumerclassroom.eu and register on the website. Get a hold of all the helpful teaching resources on this interactive activity laden website. Share this information with your colleagues and other teacher friends and encourage them to register.  Get ready to become part of a stimulating community whose ultimate aim is to prepare 12-18 year olds with life-long lessons with Consumer Classroom!

Consumer Classroom